Code of Conduct
Klinkau Group Code of Conduct
Foreword from the management team
A company’s reputation is only as good as the behaviour of all of its employees. Each and every one of us contributes to the way in which our company is seen by our customers, suppliers and all of our business partners.
Klinkau has therefore drawn up this code of conduct in order to support our employees in their daily work and in difficult situations in particular, so that they are able to proceed in a responsible and legally compliant manner. This code of conduct forms the basis for the way in which our employees should work together and our company group should project itself in the market.
Our code of conduct is binding on all managers and employees of the Klinkau Group. As a committed employee, you play a decisive role in the success of our company. Acting responsibly is a major prerequisite for long-term business success.
We want our success to be based on innovation, quality, reliability and fairness. Legal provisions and internal company guidelines must therefore be observed. This code of conduct is therefore the crucial overriding document with which every employee must become familiar.
Leuterschach, July 2021
Christian Löwenmuth
Managing Director
Competition and anti-trust law
We are a fair and responsible competitor in the marketplace, and are committed to complying with applicable competition and anti-trust law. The Klinkau Group does not participate in discussions or agreements with other companies which contravene competition and anti-trust law. Our company’s competition guidelines must be strictly followed by each of our employees.
Corruption and bribery
We have zero tolerance for corruption or bribery. Our business relationships should be based solely on objective criteria. These include not only quality, reliability and competitive pricing, but also the observance of social standards and correct company management. We are committed to complying with the relevant country-specific anti-bribery and anti-corruption legislation.
We expect integrity and loyalty from all of our employees. You work exclusively in the interest of the Klinkau group of companies. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, private or individual economic interests must always be kept separate from the business interests of the Klinkau Group. Objective criteria are also always decisive in our personnel decisions and business relationships.
Dealing with company property and the property of our business partners
We expect our employees to protect our business assets, which includes all tangible and intangible assets. This also includes intellectual property, as well as all of the processes, products and designs developed by our employees. Business assets may only be used for company purposes. We similarly respect the property rights granted by third parties.
Money-laundering and trade controls
Activities related to money-laundering are strictly prohibited, and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. We carefully verify the identities of our customers, service providers, consultants and other business partners. In compliance with national and international law, we ensure that transactions with our business partners do not violate trade regulations such as economic embargoes, import and export control requirements or applicable requirements for avoiding the financing of terrorism.
Product quality and safety
We are aware of the responsibility that we have as a manufacturer of filter elements. Compliance with national and international regulations on quality as well as our self-imposed requirements for the highest product quality takes top priority. This applies both to our products as well as to our work and production processes, and their associated supply chains.
Protection of information
All company information as well as information from and about our business partners must be protected and treated confidentially. Confidential information is a valuable asset. Company and business secrets must under no circumstances be passed to third parties or be made public.
Data protection
The protection of privacy as well as the security of data processing must be observed. We therefore take all necessary measures to ensure that the collection, processing and use of personal data provided to our company is transparent, appropriate, traceable, careful and in compliance with the applicable statutory provisions of data protection law. The confidentiality, integrity and traceability of sensitive information and unauthorised use are guaranteed.
We take the greatest possible care with all forms of external presentation. We attach great importance to open and factual communication. Enquiries about our company or products are only answered by the appropriate departments. Politeness is very important to us in our external presentation.
Dealing with local partners
We strive to maintain an open and cooperative relationship with our relevant local partners. We also pay attention to open dialogue at the municipal and local levels in the regions in which our sites are located.
Occupational safety
Safety in the workplace is our highest priority. We ensure safe, hygienic working conditions that comply with the applicable statutory requirements in occupational health and safety matters. Our aim is to take appropriate measures to minimise the risk of accidents and to improve working conditions. Each of our employees should be familiar with the applicable laws, regulations and internal company guidelines on occupational safety. Our work organisation ensures the necessary statutory work breaks in order to protect the health and safety of our employees.
Working conditions and social standards
We comply with applicable labour regulations. The remuneration paid to our employees complies with all applicable laws on wages and salaries, including provisions on minimum wages, overtime, statutory benefits, working hours and paid leave.
The principle of equal treatment
We pay particular attention to diversity and tolerance. Discriminatory behaviour or harassment, for example based on social or national origin, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, all based on illness or disability, sexual orientation, political convictions or other personal characteristics are not permitted under any circumstances, and will not be tolerated. Every employee is entitled to fair and respectful treatment. We attach great importance to the fairness of interactions within the company group.
Human rights
Respect for the applicable regulations for the protection of human rights is an integral part of our corporate responsibility. All employees respect the dignity and personal rights of every other employee, colleague and third party with whom the Klinkau Group have a business relationship.
Child and forced labour
We do not accept any form of child or forced labour. We adhere to all applicable national and international laws, regulations and provisions that apply in the respective countries. Young workers in particular must be protected from engaging in any work which might endanger their health or physical, psychological, social or spiritual development.
Environment and sustainability
The core of our business model is the processing of polyolefin plastics into high-quality filter elements. The principle of sustainability forms a fixed part of our corporate strategy. We have focused our business on sustainability along the entire value chain, from the raw material through to the finished filter element, in all parts and at all levels of the company. We take care to minimise our resource requirements, including energy use and emissions, water consumption as well as waste water and waste, and potential environmental impacts in the supply chain. All procedures must at the very least satisfy legal requirements.
Commitment and contacts
Our code of conduct is binding. All managers and employees are required to adhere to its guidelines and principles. Violations of this code of conduct may have consequences under labour law. Similarly, we expect our suppliers and contractual partners to behave in accordance with the requirements set out in this code of conduct. Compliance with our code of conduct as well as statutory requirements and internal company guidelines is an essential part of the projection of our company as a trustworthy and reliable partner.
You may become aware of processes which are not consistent with our code of conduct. Please discuss your questions or concerns openly with your supervisor or the management team. You will receive the support that you need, and will not be placed at any disadvantage.
Any employee who asks for advice or point out misconduct in good faith is in compliance with the rules of this code of conduct. Should you have concerns and are worried about expressing views openly, you can also drop an anonymous letter into the suggestions box.
Please use this system responsibly, and only pass on information that to the best of your knowledge and belief is accurate and correct.
Issued July 2021